In this article, we're going into details how do sharp tools make us effective delivering software and change our thinking process.
The Power of Psychology in Ecommerce
articleRead moreCheck out this short exploration into peoples psychology and how this affects eCommerce.
Cartman principles for software development
articleRead moreRead more about our guiding principles for software development that grant us edge over our competition.
Kubernetes operators: for who and why
devRead moreLet's take a peak on what are Kubernetes operators and when should you consider creating your own.
Cartman Digital: The Game-Changing Team for Your Business
newsRead moreThe reborn Cartman Digital, formerly just Cartman, has a unique team with vast experience in both business and technical development. We have done it all, from B2B to B2C to D2C, and we have done it together.
Control planes with Crossplane
devRead moreHow to provision Cloud infrastructure natively within Kubernetes.
The use case for Kubernetes
articleRead moreShould you utilize Kubernetes or not? What it is? What problems it's designed to solve?